Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Dr Oz, Dr Roizen and Michael Jackson

Let's see what Oprah's favorite Doctors - Dr Oz and Dr Roizen 
said regarding the Michael Jackson medical issues...

Could the Drug Michael Jackson Liked -- Propofol -- Have Played a Role in His Death? 
If you Googled “Roizen and propofol” before Michael Jackson’s death, you would have found more references to it (4,210!) than CNN repeats of the 9/11 tape. 
So Mehmet asked Mike why he was quoted so much. 
Turns out Mike may have been the first U.S. doc to do tests on propofol (brand name Diprivan), the powerful anxiety-erasing anesthetic that was found in the star’s home after his death.
Mike also led two research groups that did key studies on the drug.
So for this feature, we transcribed our conversation about propofol. 
Q. When a celebrity dies, like Michael Jackson say, you and other medical people in the media get called on to break down what happened without necessarily having firsthand information. Does that make you uncomfortable?
A. I was out of the country when he died so I actually haven’t done any media on Michael Jackson’s death. But a loss like his is one you have to put in context on a much broader scale. What can we learn from it? If we do talk about Michael Jackson I want to talk about him in the context of the pain he felt in his life that many of us feel in our lives, and why abusing medication to numb ourselves is a very understandable human response to the pain we feel.
 Source: www.boston.com/ae/tv/articles/2009/09/12/dr_oz_will_see_you_on_his_own_show/

 Unrelated to the Michael Jackson discussion, but still interesting...

Dr. Oz to Oprah and Michael J Fox: 

"The stem cell debate is dead."


Oprah's Michael Jackson show 9/16/09

There are some folks about there who aren't sure that Michael Jackson passed on 
because Oprah hasn't commented on it.   
My guess is that she was on vacation and not available 
and new shows weren't being filmed at that time.    
Tomorrow, 9/16/09 is the air date for her Michael Jackson show:

 Oprah Remembers Michael Jackson

 Oprah Remembers Michael Jackson
 Michael Jackson's Life in Photos
 A Literary Moonwalk

Jackson 5 related joke of the day

To really understand this joke, listen to this interview with Jon Gibson.
Interesting comments regarding similarities in Michael Jackson's and Stevie Wonder's music.
The music producer mentions that if you speed up Stevie Wonder's music, it can sound like Michael Jackson.
If you slow down Michael Jackson's music, it can sound like Stevie Wonder's music.
So, taking that a step further, if you slow down the Jackson 5 music,
do you end up with the Osmond Brother's music?


Update: Listen to the Michael Jackson / Paul McCartney duet "The Man".
This Sweet and Innocent little song sounds a lot like a Donny and Marie duet.
What do you think?